Siūloma dvigubinti baudas už pasipriešinimą pareigūnams

Grįžti į straipsnį


siulyciau portretas
isviso panaikinti policija ,nieko neveikia tai kam dar pinigus policijos visuomenei nera jokios naudos .zmones policija nepasitiki visiskai .

kuo skubiau priimt

kuo skubiau priimt portretas
butinai ,net trigubai uz pasipriesinima! pusprociu vieta bangu gatveje , kad naktim pereigunai su sunimis patruliuotu,neklauso ,suni paleidai lai parazita sueda maziau sert sunis reiketu.pigus islaikymas.

ddkat olosas

ddkat olosas portretas
tadack na qeobd Gruzin Police gaus su bandura i kakta dot Lietuh Police arrest tai ne testumais duchaisa Grazeeb Vilchik Polska Gravity Police duch teist tevinet ............../´¯/) ............./¯..// ............/....// ....../´¯/'...'/´¯¯')¸ .../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ .('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') ..\.................'....../ ...'\................ _.·´ .....\...............( ......\...............\ Gruzin osas Lituh Police office neatitinka ist doc- Pischo exs tech qeobd Politic- •Obama has overhauled the food safety system •Advanced women’s rights in the work place •Ended Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) in our military •Stopped defending DOMA in court. •Passed the Hate Crimes bill. •Appointed two pro-choice women to the Supreme Court. •Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can’t afford it. •Expanded the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) •Fixed the preexisting conditions travesty [and rescissions] in health insurance. •Invested in clean energy. •Overhauled the credit card industry, making it much more consumer-friendly. •While Dodd-Frank bill was weak in many respects, it was still an extremely worthwhile start at re-regulating the financial sector. •He created a Elizabeth Warren’s dream agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. •He’s done a lot for veterans •He got help for people whose health was injured during the clean-up after the 9/11 attacks. None of these things were priorities for Republicans. They actively opposed, directly or indirectly through obstruction, every single item on this list. In fact, they succeeded in killing a Cap & Trade bill in the Senate after it had passed through the House. All of these things are improvements that would not have occurred under a McCain-Palin administration. Moreover, a McCain-Palin administration would have moved in the other direction on most of these issues, or come up with even worse compromises. www'friskyradio'com/friskyPlayer.php TRIKAMPIS ZIEDAS ZIEDAINIC-K OLOSAS10. dot alpha aura Kairaitiene

tokius istlabirit tikist kaune

tokius istlabirit tikist kaune portretas
Grazweed karves pienc-

to1 on night.

to1 on night. portretas
Police reikalinga panaikit in LTU so siemas Lietuvos Respublikos Police garantuoja garand'_13shoue*._ dot kaunas nata http'//obamaachievements'org/list


RM portretas
Aš siūlau dvigubą atleidimą iš darbo už policininkų grubų elgesį, besinaudojančius tarnybine padėtimi, už kyšių ėmimą ir t.t.


steews portretas
O ar nenori siūlyti griežtinti bausmių policininkams kurie viršija savo įgaliojimus? (atleidimas iš darbo arba papeikimas tai čia ne bausmė) Jie juk visada gali 5-ių pareigūnų sumušimu apkaltinti 80 metų bobutę ir niekas neįrodys jog buvo priešingai.

ketonofe.-trikampis ziedas

ketonofe.-trikampis ziedas portretas
tokius istatymus gali sugalvoti tik pizz'dosa ambrijonu varskes surio ambrijonai klonuotojai sab cska Zalgyris DU klonuotu cska Mosco'w klonuotoju BAKETBAL CCCP project varkes pizz'dos pergale Zalgyris org liko tik vid videao hienos h zonos Zalgyrio zonosvarskes project narkomanai system pergales narkomanai konwoj na ist waz_ DOT KAUNAS SEABD MOSCO'W


trikampis ziedas ex energy ketanof ifplod http //www'youtube'com/watch?v=NQXVzg2PiZw 9/11_ <<<<<<<<<<* <<<<<<<<<<*


policai portretas
kai kurie runkeliai pramoko angliškai lietuviu kalbą pamiršo koks aškrutas ,debilai

dot kaunas mafenis olosaseaTDD

dot kaunas mafenis olosaseaTDD portretas
rim ZYDAS kolumb' GRUZINKK2 ambrijonas kur'va nata http //www'friskyradio'com/friskyPlayer.php http //www'youtube'com/watch?v=NQXVzg2PiZw 9/11_ <<<<<<<<<<* <<<<<<<<<<* dot kaunas so'das 1.BROAD POLICY: 2.Created the Race to the Top Fund ($4.35 billion) to reward States that create comprehensive education reform plans. ref 3.Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 . ref 4.FUNDING:5.Provided funding for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools. ref 6.Established State Equalization Fund; new funds for school construction (ARRA). ref 7.Provided $77 Billion for reforms to to strengthen Elementary and Secondary education. ref 8.Fully funded the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). ref 9.Provided $12.2 billion in new funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Act through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. ref 10.$26 billion state aid package saved 160,000 teacher jobs (Aug 2010) ref 11.Provided over $2.3 billion in additional funding to Head Start and Early Head Start programs in 2009. ref 12.Provided $5 billion dollars for Early Learning Programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. ref 13.Roughly doubled the amount available in Federal Child Care Block Grants. ref 14.Established “Promise Neighborhood” Grants (modeled after the Harlem Children’s Zone). ref , ref 15.Eliminated abstinence-only funding in budget. ref, ref 16.TARGETED ACTIONS:17.Helped rebuild schools in New Orleans. ref 18.Established school programs to highlight space and science achievements. ref 19.Recruited math and science degree graduates to the teaching profession. ref 20.Expanded the Nurse-Family Partnership to all low-income, first-time mothers . ref 21.Provided affordable, high-quality child care. ref 22.Unveiled initiatives to help men be better fathers. ref 23.Section curators: ^ejoyce ^Kroth dot spad Harvard deparKAIRIGHT moon moon cccp_

comsealref wnimalat Mosc-owaza

comsealref wnimalat Mosc-owaza portretas
http //obamaachievements'org/list tadack na qeobd Gruzin Police gaus su bandura i kakta dot Lietuh Police arrest tai ne testumais duchaisa Grazeeb Vilchik Polska Gravity Police duch teist tevinet Gruzin osas Lituh Police office neatitinka ist doc- Pischo exs tech qeobd Politic- •Obama has overhauled the food safety system •Advanced women’s rights in the work place •Ended Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) in our military •Stopped defending DOMA in court. •Passed the Hate Crimes bill. •Appointed two pro-choice women to the Supreme Court. •Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can’t afford it. •Expanded the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) •Fixed the preexisting conditions travesty [and rescissions] in health insurance. •Invested in clean energy. •Overhauled the credit card industry, making it much more consumer-friendly. •While Dodd-Frank bill was weak in many respects, it was still an extremely worthwhile start at re-regulating the financial sector. •He created a Elizabeth Warren’s dream agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. •He’s done a lot for veterans •He got help for people whose health was injured during the clean-up after the 9/11 attacks. None of these things were priorities for Republicans. They actively opposed, directly or indirectly through obstruction, every single item on this list. In fact, they succeeded in killing a Cap & Trade bill in the Senate after it had passed through the House. All of these things are improvements that would not have occurred under a McCain-Palin administration. Moreover, a McCain-Palin administration would have moved in the other direction on most of these issues, or come up with even worse compromises. www'friskyradio'com/friskyPlayer.php TRIKAMPIS ZIEDAS ZIEDAINIC-K tokius istatymus gali sugalvoti tik pizz'dosa ambrijonu varskes surio ambrijonai klonuotojai sab cska Zalgyris DU klonuotu cska Mosco'w klonuotoju BAKETBAL CCCP project varkes pizz'dos pergale Zalgyris org liko tik vid videao hienos h zonos Zalgyrio zonosvarskes project narkomanai system pergales narkomanai konwoj na ist waz_ DOT KAUNAS SEABD MOSCO'W rim ZYDAS kolumb' GRUZINKK2 ambrijonas kur'va nata http //www'friskyradio'com/friskyPlayer.php http //www'youtube'com/watch?v=NQXVzg2PiZw 9/11_ <<<<<<<<<<* <<<<<<<<<<* dot kaunas so'das 1.BROAD POLICY: 2.Created the Race to the Top Fund ($4.35 billion) to reward States that create comprehensive education reform plans. ref 3.Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 . ref 4.FUNDING:5.Provided funding for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools. ref 6.Established State Equalization Fund; new funds for school construction (ARRA). ref 7.Provided $77 Billion for reforms to to strengthen Elementary and Secondary education. ref 8.Fully funded the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). ref 9.Provided $12.2 billion in new funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Act through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. ref 10.$26 billion state aid package saved 160,000 teacher jobs (Aug 2010) ref 11.Provided over $2.3 billion in additional funding to Head Start and Early Head Start programs in 2009. ref 12.Provided $5 billion dollars for Early Learning Programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. ref 13.Roughly doubled the amount available in Federal Child Care Block Grants. ref 14.Established “Promise Neighborhood” Grants (modeled after the Harlem Children’s Zone). ref , ref 15.Eliminated abstinence-only funding in budget. ref, ref 16.TARGETED ACTIONS:17.Helped rebuild schools in New Orleans. ref 18.Established school programs to highlight space and science achievements. ref 19.Recruited math and science degree graduates to the teaching profession. ref 20.Expanded the Nurse-Family Partnership to all low-income, first-time mothers . ref 21.Provided affordable, high-quality child care. ref 22.Unveiled initiatives to help men be better fathers. ref 23.Section curators: ^ejoyce ^Kroth dot spad Harvard deparKAIRIGHT moon moon cccp_ trikampis ziedas ex energy ketanof$ ifplod http //www'youtube'com/watch?v=NQXVzg2PiZw 9/11_ <<<<<<<<<<* <<<<<<<<<<* OLOSAS14'10_/nasad. dot alpha+ aura+ Kairaitiene


as portretas
nors ka nors sumazintu didina ,didina , algas geriau didintu , o ne baudas nes paskaiciavus darbo uzmikesti ir baudu dydi sunku sveiku protu suvokt.


sigis portretas
Išvalykit policiją nuo nusikaltėlių ir banditų ir pasipriešinimas policijai tikrai sumažės. Žmonės bijo policijos ir iš baimės instinktyviai padaro neapgalvotų veiksmų. Jokios baudos čia tikrai nepadės.

Policijos rėmėjas

Policijos rėmėjas portretas
Pasipriešina dažniausai girti asmenys, kuriems akyse jau velniai rodosi: jie nuo jų ginasi. Paskui, atvežti į nuovadas, tokie ereliai apsisnarglėję verkia. Nereikia didelių baudų šitiems proletaramas, dažnai alkoholikams, kurie neturi iš ko ir ts užsmokėti. Bet galbūt reikia "aštresnių" priemonių policinnkams, kad jie galėtų tuoj pat besišakojantį nukenksminti.


sigiui portretas
Tau stogelis pavaziavo, kad tokias nesamones cia rasai, zmogau?

to steews

to steews portretas
Jei nezinai kaip buvo istiesu tai nelok cia priedurni...

PAREIGUNAS -siulyciau

PAREIGUNAS -siulyciau portretas


sp portretas
Bet ir policininkams už neišprovokuotą prievartą reikia skirti dar didesnes - dvigubas baudas...


Ernesta portretas
Gana dažnai patys policininkai elgiasi labai nemandagiai ir griebiasi neteisėtų veiksmų.Manyčiau,kad ne baudas reikia didinti,bet policijos darbuotojus apmokyti,kaip reikia elgtis įvairiais atvejais. Dar mūsų policijos darbuotojams trūksta psichologinių žinių ir diplomatijos.


Daugiau straipsnių